Landscape Fabrics
Showing 17–18 of 18 results
Landscape Fabrics FAQ
No, by adding soil on top of the fabric, you are promoting weed growth on top of the fabric.
Recommended applications:
- Weed Control
- Soil and embankment stabilization
- Drainage
- Erosion control
- Re-vegetation systems
- Earth wall reinforcement
- Moisture barriers
- Filtration
No, we recommend preparing the planting area prior to installation of the fabric. Recommended preparation, for best results:
- Thoroughly remove weeds and grasses from the planting area.
- Rake smooth.
- Nutgrass or rhizome grasses like Bermuda should be treated with a glyphosate-base weed preventing product.
- Because weed seeds may be present in freshly tilled areas or in newly added soils, treat with a pre-emergent weed control product.
- Cover area immediately with fabric.
Yes, landscape fabrics are safe for growing vegetables. However, if the fabric is not covered with mulch, the life expectancy of our fabrics will range from 1 growing season to 3 years, depending on the fabric used.