Planting grass might seem simple, but choosing the right variety is essential. Your lifestyle, local climate, sun conditions, and foot traffic all have an impact on the health of your lawn. From Kentucky bluegrass to lesser-known varieties, we want to help you find the right lawn grass for your needs.
In the South
If you live in the South, opt for sod or plugs when applicable. St. Augustine grass is great for drought-prone areas that experience extreme heat. Centipede grass also works in warmer climates and requires little care since it doesn’t grow high. In return for a little lawn food and grass fertilizer, this pest- and weed-resistant lawn grass will thrive.
The Transition Zone
In this zone, approximately located between the middle half of the country and the Deep South and Southwest, the weather is hot in the summer but also goes through cold snaps. Bermuda grass is an ideal choice for this area – and for those with busy lifestyles and little time for lawn care. It’s weed-resistant and doesn’t need a lot of water. Zoysia grass is versatile and can be grown in all zones, but it requires extra sun in the North and more shade in the South. With proper care and adequate drainage, Zoysia is a thick grass that provides a lush look.
The Northern Region
In this part of the country, Perennial Ryegrass is a good option for lawns that see lots of action. It also grows quickly on its own or blended with other grasses, so you’ll need to mow often. Kentucky Bluegrass also stands up to wear; this cool-season grass even repairs itself. Fine Fescue isn’t quite as sturdy in terms of traffic. However, it prefers to stay out of the sun, making it an excellent choice for shady areas where many other grasses can’t survive.
We hope our brief guide gives you direction in selecting the right lawn grass. Whatever your choice, Jobe’s Organics has the lawn food product you need to keep your yard healthy and beautiful. Plus, our full line of natural products allows you to maintain a thriving landscape without the use of toxic chemicals.